I noticed a continual subtle spiritual nudging that I should revisit the Octopus Tree at Cape Meares on the Oregon coast. The Octopus tree description says that it is a native sacred site.
When I asked Spirit to give me more details about ‘why’ I should go to Octopus Tree, I was energetically taken to an underwater city of light that was directly off the coast at Cape Meares. I was met by tall beings in white robes, which I had become acquainted with during meditations and shamanic journeying over the past year. They said that the Octopus tree needed help because it was being ‘caramelized’. My logical brain said back to them “don’t you mean ‘crystallized’?” And they said “no, the tree is being negatively affected because of being ‘caramelized’. I was then energetically taken to the tree. As my light body flew over the tree, I saw a huge area at one side of the tree that looked like yellowish-brown caramel!
I was told that the caramel-like goo was killing the tree and the sacred space there. I was being asked to help clear out the negative caramelized energy field at the tree. I was eager to have a spiritual assignment, and this one sounded very exciting. It is interesting that Spirit needs us humans as an interface between Heaven and Mother Earth! I would be trusting Spirit to provide the answers as to how I was going to accomplish that spiritual task. I thought to myself laughingly, that basically I would be ‘winging it’!
When I know deep down that Spirit will provide the means to help, Spirit comes thru and does help. It’s like: ‘Believe it and you will See it’, rather than the standard philosophy of: ‘I have to See it, in order to Believe it’. If Spirit and Mother Earth spirits know that you are open to helping, with a pure heart and clear intent, the right spiritual assistance shows up to help. I have learned to Trust and know that Spirit will provide what is needed.
The weather was great: mostly clear skies and 70’s-80’s temperatures. I drove to the Oregon coast, going thru Tillamook (where the Tillamook Cheese Factory is). At the coast, there was a sign that said ‘Cape Meares’, so I drove down that road. To my surprise, it was not the road to Octopus tree, but instead the road took me to a very beautiful, peaceful, almost deserted stretch of ocean and warm sand beach. I now know that Spirit must have deliberately directed me to go here to the beach before going to Octopus tree, for a very important reason, which I would soon find out what that reason was.
What a treat it was to splash in the ocean, go barefoot on warm beach sand, and to enjoy being on Mother Earth and this beautiful beach. At the entrance to the beach was a family of ravens, made up of 2 parents and 5 smaller black birds that I assumed were the baby birds. Raven is one of my most powerful animal totems, so it was a good sign to see these friendly ravens greeting me at this beach.
After playing on the beach, I decided to tap into Spirit with the intent to get better prepared for going to the Octopus tree. As I got into a shamanic state of consciousness, I once again connected with the beings of light from the underwater city just off Cape Meares that was looming outward from the beautiful beach we were enjoying. They gave me a small baseball-sized ball of light. I knew that this must be a powerful spiritual tool that was to be used at Octopus tree. I energetically put my ball of light in my heart. Now it was time to go to work!
I drove to Cape Meares/Octopus tree parking area. The views of the ocean and coast line were amazing and very soothing for the soul. I gathered my sacred objects that I might need for the energy clearing of Octopus tree. As I walked up the trail towards the tree, I began to tune inward to tap into my spiritual higher self, in order to search for the energetic gatekeeper tree that typically is close to the entrance of a sacred place in nature. I saw/felt a big Sitka Spruce tree to my left. I greeted it and asked permission for us to enter the sacred space. After getting a positive response from the tree, I gave it an offering of sacred Russian Sage plant leaves/blossoms that I grow specifically to be used as blessing and offering gifts for Mother Nature and nature spirits. The fairies and nature spirits really like to receive the sage.
Continuing onward to Octopus tree, it was awe inspiring to be near this unique sacred tree. I walked to the side of the tree where the caramelized negativity was, according to my earlier vision. When I walked into the area where the caramelized was shown to me in vision, I immediately started to get real sick to my stomach and was overcome by a very strong negative energy force. This was a powerful physical confirmation that this ‘caramelized negative thing’ was definitely very real. I stumbled out of that caramelized area, in order to recover. It reminded me of what it would be like to of been ‘slimed’ like in the movie Ghostbusters-ha ha.
Sacred Healing Tools Used at the Octopus Tree
I commenced to rattle, sing, and tap into this sacred space, with the intent to raise the vibration to the highest positive energy level possible. The negative energies were very strong and intense. I could really feel the resistance from it, as I was trying any technique I could think of to tap into the answer of how to best remove the negativity and free this sacred space.
While in the middle of what could be ‘causing a loud scene’, as I must of looked pretty strange, rattling and singing and praying for spiritual guidance. I had my eyes closed, as I had to stay focused on my intent. I ignored any thought of embarrassment, and just continued on as if nobody else was there. At one point though, I opened my eyes and looked up to see a young girl about 5 or 6 years old walking around the tree with her father. As she approached where I was, she must have understood on a higher level what we were doing, as she stopped and told her daddy to be quiet. She was honoring the spiritual work we were doing. I nodded my head at her in gratitude for her respect and said thank you to her. She then quietly continued walking around the tree. I was amazed at that chance meeting of two spiritual beings, where the young girl intuitively recognized the spiritual importance of the ceremony that was happening.
I was told that the caramelized negativity was placed by a ‘dark lord’ a very long time ago. I did a shamanic journey and found myself going downward to a cave opening. Inside were about 25 indigenous people, led by a powerful, wise Grandmother. She said that her people came down into this inner earth cave to hide from the negativity that was happening at the Octopus tree. They were very scared. I tried to reassure them, that I was at the Octopus tree to help the land, and I started to gain her trust. I was trying to get them to come back to the safety of my little circle I had drawn on the ground with sage. Grandmother soon came out and stood in my little sacred circle.
I asked the spirits of this sacred place to bring in the ‘big guns’ to start to clear out the caramelized area and bring healing to the Octopus tree. The energies started to shift, as the caramelized area started shrinking down in size. I was able to tell when a percentage of the shift was happening: 10%, 15%, etc., as I dowsed the rising percentage of positive energy that was reclaiming that sacred site.
I then had the thought to set an energetic ‘stairway to heaven’ portal of light for trapped earth spirits-ghosts to use to return home to the light. I set that intent and focused my energy on creating that portal. As soon as it was set, the percentage of positive energy jumped to 25%. There must have been a lot to ghosts that were waiting to be helped into heaven. The positive energy percentages kept increasing, while at the same time, I could see that the caramelized negative thing was drying up and shrinking fast. Grandmother spirit was happy that she could be safely back near the Octopus tree.
Spirit then suggested that I take out my ball of light that I had been given earlier, and make 2 balls out of the 1 ball I had. I was told to place one ball energetically into the ground where I was seated and energetically place my other ball of light on the other side of the tree, exactly opposite the first ball of light. The percentage of positive energy substantially accelerated when this was done. After an hour of working to bring in and hold sacred space for this clearing work, the percentage of positive energy finally went to 100% and I could not see any caramelized gunk left.
Deb doing ‘Energy Weaving’ as part of the shamanic healing work at the Octopus Tree
I left sacred sage at the balls of light that had now created a circular pattern surrounding the Octopus tree. As I walked to the last point, which was at the place where the original caramelized negativity was, I felt ‘no negative energy’ there. It had been successfully cleared up and was gone. The Octopus tree asked me to create an energetic gutter-like drainage system at the last ball of light placement, as this point was closest to the ocean side of the area, so that any negativity energies that might come there in the future, would have this negative energy drain-off established. My last look at the Octopus tree saw a happy, free Grandmother spirit hovering about 30 feet above the ground in the middle of the tree-she was happy!
When I got back to the parking lot, I went to change my shoes. Surprisingly, I found a brand new penny on the inside of a shoe. It makes no sense that I had not felt this penny in my shoe the whole time I was at the tree. I think spirit was giving me a ‘gift’. I felt good about helping the Octopus tree and enjoyed the beauty of the Oregon coast.