Merkaba Light Table

Ascension Merkaba Energy Lightwork

  • It is a divinely inspired sacred geometry tool and transformational modality
  • It is based upon Ascension Merkaba energetics, which positively affects the human energy field
  • It uses complex sacred geometry of the Ascension Merkaba: MER (light) KA (spirit) BA (body)
  • It works with the scientifically based concepts of energetic sacred geometry, vortex scalar technology, and quantum physics vibrational entrainment
  • The  Ascension Merkaba is an intelligent energy modality
  • Ascension Merkabas were used in the Merkaba Light Table (which is no longer being offered)

Benefits of an Ascension Merkaba Session

  • Clears and balances the chakras and lightbody energy field
  • Creates a peaceful state of well-being (stress reduction)
  • Increases harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit
  • Complements and boosts the body’s natural wellness process
  • Boosts the Body’s Natural Healing Process
  • Creates an ‘Energetic Tune-Up’ on multiple levels
  • Energetically assists in the Ascension process
  • Accelerates higher consciousness awakening and personal transformation
  • Enhances and compliments the therapeutic potential and response of other alternative and wellness modalities (i.e. Reiki, massage, craniosacral, energy healing, etc.)
  • The energy process creates and amplifies an energetic space for holistic wellness to occur

Scientific Chakra Alignment Study using Ascension Merkabas

  • This scientifically based study was conducted to document what changes can be made to the human chakra energy field, after using Ascension Merkabas.
  • Each participant took a ‘before’ reading of their chakra system with a BioWell energy scanning device, then experienced being in the energy field of an Ascension Merkaba.
  • Then an ‘after’ reading of their chakra system was taken.
  • The diagrams show the actual ‘before’ and ‘after’ results of this study.
  • The diagrams show that when a person experiences the high vibration of an Ascension Merkaba, positive changes such as aligning of their chakras can occur.

If you want to experience an Ascension Merkaba energy session, contact me to set up an appointment (Private Sessions).  I also offer classes on how to work with Ascension Merkabas (Events page).

Testimonials from Practitioners who used Ascension Merkabas, that were part of Merkaba Light Tables (Note: Merkaba Light Tables are no longer offered, but Ascension Merkabas are offered)

Client Feedback:  I felt waves of peaceful energy flow thru my body during the session. I could even feel it for days afterwards, which confirmed to me that this is a very special, powerful new therapy. I am so excited to see how the world embraces the wonderful energies of the Merkaba Light Table. 

Practitioner:  I know from direct experience of working with this device, that this new energy transformational device IS the new paradigm of holistic healing for humanity, going into this time of world enlightenment. It is an honor to work with this powerful and loving intelligent energy device. 

Biofeedback Therapist:  I concluded that when the Gatekeeper Ascension Merkaba was activated, the ‘maximum healing energy potential’ for a client could be up to 1200%! The implications of this are staggering! 

Craniosacral Therapist:  It seems like the Merkaba Light Table is able to ‘prime’ a client’s mind, body and spirit to a point of receptivity, where the subsequent health practitioners therapy can be done to a much higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. This is an amazing breakthrough for the world of holistic health practitioners.         

Expanded Testimonials

Client Feedback after a MLT session

… Cleared a lot of energy in my body… felt different afterwards … couldn’t feel my body at times…felt a cleansing vibration throughout my body.

…my spirits were lifted; as I was somewhat depressed before…saw lots of color…felt a warmth spread throughout the abdomen…feel calmer and more able to cope for several days after the session.

…I loved the energy of the MLT even before I got on the table…really liked the meditation.

…I felt so relaxed and at peace after my session with the MLT. I highly recommend this new healing device to others.

…As soon as I got on the MLT, I noticed that I could feel energy moving in my hip area, as if something was being pulled out of my hip. Years earlier, I had an accident which resulted in hip pain and numbness. I had not told Deb about this physical condition, and somehow, the MLT seemed to have some kind of intelligence that ‘knew’ what area of my body needed energy work done on it, and the MLT’s energies directly targeted this area. How amazing!

….I felt waves of peaceful energy flow thru my body during the MLT session. I could even feel it for days afterwards, which really surprised me and also confirmed to me that the MLT is a very special, powerful new therapy. I am so excited to see how the world embraces the wonderful energies of the MLT.


Practitioner Feedback After Doing a MLT Session

…I know from direct experience of working with the MLT, that it is a new technology that has an inherent intelligence. I do not need to ask a client about their issues, because ‘I’ am not doing the therapy on them. It is the MLT that ‘knows’ what is bothering a person, and that is the location or topic that the MLT works on. I believe that this new energy transformational device IS the new paradigm of holistic healing for humanity, going into this time of world consciousness awakening into the age of enlightenment. It is an honor to work with this powerful and loving intelligent energy device.

…It allows you to feel and expand your body’s chakra energy fields. What was stuck becomes unstuck. The MLT facilitates dimensional communication, connecting with your higher self, angels and/or spirit guides, allowing you to clearly tune into the messages that you are asking for. It facilitates energetic flow of the body so effectively, that the body regenerates quickly on a cellular level. You will experience the most amazing meditation of your life and/or spiritual awakening while under the Merkaba Light Table.

…Working with the MLT is different from other modalities. I work a lot with crystals, and it seems that some people are tuned into the crystal energy, while others are not. With a MLT session, everyone gets it!  When I do craniosacral work with the MLT, the client’s body shifts quicker into an energetic flow. My clients have been positively affected on spiritual, physical, emotional and mental levels. I believe the purpose of the MLT for humanity, is to assist every soul who spends time with the MLT to find their path back to their authentic self. The MLT is not just another piece of equipment, as these are sacred geometry sentient beings of love and light that are here to assist and guide you on your path.


Feedback from a Biofeedback Therapist

…I determined that when the ‘Gatekeeper Angelic Merkaba’ was activated in my therapy room, the ‘healing energy potential’ for the client went to 500%. After 15 minutes of this Angelic Merkaba spinning, the ‘healing energy potential’ for the client rose to 1000%. Using dowsing, I concluded that the ‘maximum healing energy potential’ for a client could be 1200%! The implications of this are staggering!


Feedback from a Cranial Sacral Therapist

…When I do cranial sacral, a head hold that normally takes 45 minutes, became only 7 minutes after my client had a MLT session just before the cranial sacral session. It seems like the MLT is able to ‘prime’ a client’s mind, body and spirit to a point of receptivity, where the subsequent health practitioners therapy can be done to a much higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. This is an amazing breakthrough for the world of Holistic Health Practitioners.


Practitioner Feedback from a Massage Therapist

…The MLT brings clients to a state of peace and calm by creating balance in all levels of their being (i.e. physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It also helps them to see issues from a different perspective. My MLT clients are experiencing reduction in stress (from starting stress levels of 5-10/10, down to 0-3/10), and the issues that were causing the stress don’t matter anymore. My clients are calmer, less stressed and more relaxed after a MLT session, and some are even getting a glimmer of who they are, and like it.

…Clients are sometimes aware of energy movement and change in different parts of their bodies. One client told me that the MLT process goes deeper than any energy work I have done on him. The difference between the MLT and other wellness devices/processes, is that the MLT works faster and deeper. The MLT enhances all modalities by bringing all of the client’s bodies into alignment, allowing the practitioner to clear any remaining blocks faster and easier, thus allowing for a deeper healing response from my other modalities.

…I suggested to the client to try the MLT in conjunction with her massage appointment.  I did the MLT first and followed it with a massage. I noticed that her back muscles were not as tight as they usually are.  She was more relaxed than she normally is after a regular massage. After her first MLT session, she went to her chiropractor for an adjustment.  She said her neck adjusted better than it has ever done in a couple of years.

…Client again relaxed very deeply during this 3rd MLT session. The client really relaxed with the tuning forks and went even deeper with the meditation. I did a massage at end of the MLT session and found her normally much armored back muscles, to be much softer and it was easier to go much deeper on her back.

…Client noticed that about ½ way through the tuning fork therapy, he felt movement in his low back/hip area, which is where he has a lot of trouble.  During the meditation he said he went to the 4th and 5th dimensions.  He was very relaxed.  His neck and back muscles were much softer, more pliable when I started the massage after the MLT session.  I was quite impressed, as his muscles are always very tight, with cords in the deeper muscles.

…Client was surprised at how deep the healing was at his last session. He said that he has been searching for a deep healing, like he once experienced in Sedona, AZ.  He also said that he has never gotten that deep of a healing from any of the energy work I have done in the past.  After his MLT session, he slept till seven the next morning. He noticed his attitude was much improved and he was more joyful. At today’s MLT session, he again went into deep meditation.  He noticed that about after the tuning fork therapy, he could feel warmth going down his arms.

Again, by the end of the MLT session, his chakras were very evenly balanced.  When I did massage on him after the MLT session, I noticed that his hips were not rotated, the muscles were much softer, and I was able to work deeper from the very start of the massage.  I was also aware that his right upper arm knots were softer and stringy, rather than one solid mass.

He has noticed that his household ‘chores’ are getting done when they need to be done, with no procrastination.  He has also become aware that his 3D co-workers don’t upset him, which is reducing his stress level at work.

…Client came in with a stress level of 6 (current stress state) out of 10 (maximum stress state).  She felt the energy of the tuning forks crossing over her crown chakra, and also felt the energy move internally from ear to ear. She said she could feel movement in her body during most of the session as twitching and little ‘pops’.  I did a massage after the MLT session.  Her stress and tension level went down to 2 out of 10 at the end of the session.  She was very relaxed after the session.

…I noticed that the surface layer of her neck and back muscles were no longer armored.

… I did a massage at end of the MLT session and found her normally very armored back muscles, to be much softer and it was easier to go much deeper on her back

…I did the MLT session, followed by massage.  I found that the client was not as tight as she normally is, and that the muscles finished relaxing quickly.  Her back and neck muscles were a lot softer, and it was easier to finish releasing the tension.  She was complaining of a knot in her right shoulder before getting on the table, and after the MLT session I had a hard time finding it, because the knot was smaller than normal. The knot in her shoulder had a different texture to it than the knot that I was used to working on in past massage sessions.  It felt more like a lipoma (fatty tumor), whereas the past knot felt more like a muscle tension knot.

At the end of the session, as I was checking the flexibility of the shoulders, her neck vertebrae self- adjusted.  She noticed that when I moved the MLT away from her, to do the ½ hour massage, she suddenly felt cold. She was very happy and feeling much better than when she arrived.  She realized a few days after her MLT session that her hands were not tingling or numb. She wants to do the MLT again.

…Clients main complaint was his left shoulder and arm going numb off and on throughout the day.  He really relaxed with the meditation.  His arm pain and numbness were gone at the end of the MLT session and he had increased range of motion.

…The client came in complaining of low back pain.  He was very excited to learn about the MLT.  He said he could feel the energy of it as soon as he walked into the therapy room.  His first reaction at seeing the MLT was to recognize the sacred geometry of it. He felt the energy in his body.  He had a severely cut finger from Thanksgiving and he could feel the energy working in his finger. He had no pain or discomfort by the end of the session.  He really liked the MLT.

…Client has a very tight right neck and shoulder area and massage had not done a lot to decrease this area’s tension, so I suggested that she try the MLT. This MLT/massage session turned into an additional emotional release session.  I started working with the muscle tension/pain in right shoulder.  My attention was drawn to the MLT, where I noticed that the heart chakra angelic merkaba was not only spinning, but it also was swaying from side to side.  I interpreted this to mean that I needed to do emotional release on her heart chakra.  As I cleared the heart chakra, I got that she had a broken heart; which then progressed to a deep burning in her right shoulder. After her session she disclosed that she had experienced deep loss over this lifetime. She also told me that her right shoulder burning is from an episode of shingles in the past.  Her neck and shoulder areas are now not as tense, and the burning she is experiencing in her right shoulder is occurring less often and the burning sensation is faint. Spirit really directed this session.  This is the most profound session I have had to date.  I’m very excited for the healing work that lies ahead for my clients.