Energetic Sacred Geometry Tools for Positive Transformation
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Angelic Merkaba
An Energetic Tool for Positive Transformation. (MER means Light; KA means Spirit; BA means Body). It is a complex stellated star octahedron sacred geometry design, which is an energetic tool and link between spirit and matter.
Merkaba Light Table
A New Wellness Device and Transformational Process, which is based upon Angelic Merkaba energetics, which positively affects the human energy field and chakra system. It works with the scientifically based concepts of energetic sacred geometry, vortex scalar technology, and quantum physics vibrational entrainment.
Merkaba Dowsing
Angelic Merkabas are Powerful Dowsing Tools to help clear negative energies and raise the energetic vibrational levels of homes and land. Angelic Merkabas help to create sacred space and bring in positive energies into a cleared space. They complement and enhance other dowsing protocols.
Merkaba Energetics
This is a divinely inspired new energetic technique to enhance and complement existing Reiki therapy. Angelic Merkabas provide an accelerated state of peace, stress reduction and relaxation, utilizing Reiki symbols and the power of intent.
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Spinning an Angelic Merkaba Activates a Higher Vibrational Field of Energy
Want to Experience the Energy of an Angelic Merkaba?
- Step 1: On the STORE page, pick out a picture of an Angelic Merkaba that you like the best and print a copy of it. If you cannot print the picture, then look at the picture, noticing its sacred geometry shape.
- Step 2: While looking at the picture of the Angelic Merkaba, listen to the 4:30 minute audio below, which is an Introduction to what Angelic Merkabas are, and their uses and benefits.
- Step 3. Meditate to the 10 minute guided imagery audio recording below, while having the Angelic Merkaba picture you printed out placed on your body, preferably near your heart center. If you could not print out a picture, then connect with the picture on the screen, then close your eyes and continue to do the meditation. It is recommended that you lie down or set quietly, eyes closed and body relaxed. Do not listen to this meditation while driving or operating machinery.
‘Have a Wonderful Merkaba Connection Experience!’ Blessings, Deb